Weinbaum Yeshiva High School
  . The Weekly E-mail Newsletter of the Weinbaum Yeshiva High School 
Friday, May 21, 2004 / 45th Day of the Omer / Erev Shabbat Parshat Bamidbar 5764 
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From the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell

I truly hope that you can join us for the fantastic program planned for Monday night's graduation, which will be held in Parkland. Please note that the signs for the Sawgrass Expressway say "South", even though you're going due west (directions are available through a link below).

All good things must come to an end! This year's last edition of Yeshiva High-lites, focusing on graduation and the end of the school year, will appear in two weeks. We welcome your suggestions for improvements in the high-lites for the coming year- just respond to this e-mail to share them with us.

Mazel tov on the engagement of Aliza Atkin (01) and Noam Salamon (01) (pictured below at the l'chaim Wednesday night). Noam and Aliza, members of our pioneering first class, were true role models to the three classes that followed them. Mazel tov to their families, including senior Shulamit Atkin and founding board member Chani Salamon

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach

Rabbi Perry Tirschwell

. Click below for...

Sponsorship Opportunities

Our May Calendar

The Shavuot Edition of the Chodesh Chidush

Graduation Directions

Final Exam Schedule

The Mets and Marlins Play for Jewish Education

Seniors Create Memories for a Lifetime
The seniors have returned exhausted and exhilirated from their exciting adventure touring the east coast of the United States! Though they returned late Wednesday, and several of the twelfth graders were already back in school on Thursday, eager to share stories from their week-long trip.

The seniors were incredibly busy all week, kayaking in South Carolina, sightseeing in New York City, cruising the harbor in Baltimore, and white-water rafting in Virginia.

The students also went miniature golfing, visited the National Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., and most importantly, ate at Dougies!

Each and every activity was amazing and everyone on the trip had an outstanding time. Unanimously, however, the highlight of the trip was Shabbat. Rabbi Tirschwell and Mrs. Kanner joined the group for a beautiful and meaningful Shabbat in an intimate setting, a retreat center in rural Maryland. Spirits were high as students sang and danced throughout the weekend, celebrating Shabbat together as a class for the final time.

A huge thank you to chaperones Mrs. Melissa Pereira and Rabbi Josh Spodek, and to Rabbi Spodek (ably assisted by Mrs. Amy Horowitz) for dedicating countless hours to planning and coordinating every aspect of this phenomenal trip.

Click Here for More Senior Trip Pics
(then click on the pics at left to make them bigger)

Recognizing the Gift of Jeruslaem
Wednesday's celebration of Yom Yerushalayim was both meaningful and entertaining at WYHS!

During davening, WYHS founder Rabbi Kenneth Brander addressed the school, explaining the reasons for saying Hallel on this and other similar contemporary holidays. In the course of his speech, Rabbi Brander shared insight into the significance of Yom Yerushalayim as it pertains to our physical safety and spiritual freedom.

Davening was followed by a delicious and special breakfast of pancakes, waffles, and, of course, maple syrup! After breakfast, students watched a riveting documentary depicting the events of the Six- Day War and the political turmoil in the days leading up to the war.

Finally, special guest speaker Rabbi Baruch Plotkin (pictured above), of the Boca Raton Community Kollel, both entertained and inspired everyone in the room with his message that no matter what roles each of us play throughout the course of our lives, standing at the Kotel teaches us that our role as Jews is the most important and most consistent.

A Hilarious Nightmare & Boca's Young Pulitzer
Congratulations to the cast and crew of "The Actor's Nightmare", and to director Ms. Liz Saddler, on an incredibly funny and successful dramatic presentation! The entire school was treated to the one and only performance of this play on Thursday afternoon, and everyone who saw it enjoyed it!

Although the original plan was to produce only one play this year -- the musical "Into the Woods" which was presented in February -- several students expressed an interest in performing in a non-musical play as well. Ms. Saddler took it upon herself to fulfill their request, and the result was a big hit!

Congratulations also to the WYHS students (pictured below) who received awards at the fifth annual Wolens Jewish Writing Competition for Teens, sponsored by the Adolph and Rose Levis JCC in Boca.

In the ninth and tenth grade prose category, freshman Shira Borzak earned the prize for second place, sophomore Kayla Kowal placed third, and sophomore Daniel Poliak received an honorable mention. In the eleventh and twelfth grade prose category, junior Ilana Borzak earned the third place prize.

All winners received a commemorative plaque in addition to a cash prize.

Click Here for More Play Pictures »

Graduation, Shavuot, Finals, and Beyond

The members of the fourth graduating class of WYHS will proudly celebrate their achievements at their graduation ceremony, which will take place on Monday, May 24th, at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, beginning at 7 p.m. with mincha. The largest graduating class in WYHS history will walk down the aisle immediately following mincha at 7:15 p.m. that evening.

Please click on the Quick Link above for directions to the graduation.

The following day, Tuesday May 25th, is Erev Shavuot as well as the last day of classes for the rest of WYHS students! There will be an early 12:15 p.m. dismissal to allow students to prepare for Shavuot.

There will be no school on Friday, May 28th (the day after Shavuot) or on Memorial Day, Monday, May 31st.

Final exams for students in grades 9-11 will begin on Tuesday, June 1st and will go until Tuesday, June 8th. Please check the exam schedule in the Quick Links section above for specific schedule information. Exams and grades will be available for students to pick up on Friday, June 11th from 12-1 p.m.

Mark your calendars! Sunday, May 30th is Jewish Heritage Day at Pro Player Stadium, as the world champion Florida Marlins take on the New York Mets in a game to benefit Jewish Day School education in South Florida! The event includes Kosher food, the national anthem sung by Jewish music superstar Yehuda!, and a special pre-game show. Tickets are available through the school. Just click on the quick link in the section above (under Rabbi Tirschwell's introduction) to download the ticket order form!

Don't be Scared of the "New" SAT!
Beginning in March 2005, a new and improved SAT will be administered across the country. The goal of the SAT has always been to assess the knowledge and skills developed by students in the classroom. In an effort to better achieve that goal, the new SAT was created to more closely reflect the current curricula in both high schools and colleges.

The most noticeable change is the addition of a writing section, which will include both grammar and syntax multiple choice questions and an essay. The College Board anticipates that the evaluation of a student's writing skills will not only help reinforce the importance of writing in the high school curriculum, but will also allow colleges to make better admissions decisions.

Like each of the two existing sections, the new section will be scored out of 800, which will bring the total score of the SAT to 2400.

In addition to the new writing section, several smaller changes have been made. The analogies section has been eliminated, and shorter reading comprehension selections have been added to the existing longer passages. The mathematics section has also been expanded to include topics from Algebra II and trigonometry such as probability and statistics, data analysis, exponential growth, and functional notation.

In order to help prepare WYHS students for the new SAT, math classes on all levels will include new topics geared towards SAT preparation, including certain elements of trigonometry previously unexplored. English classes will emphasize the writing of essays similar to those found on the new SAT, in addition to a continued focus on vocabulary and grammar.

The new PSAT, which will be given for the first time in October 2004, will be modified in correlation to the changes being made to the SAT.

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Quote of the Week

"We are very grateful and have tremendous Hakoras Hatov for the past 6 years. WYHS has been an exceptional experience for both our boys. We appreciate the tremendous learning and ruach that they have experienced. We appreciate the devotion of the administrators, teachers and staff. It has been amazing. It has been truly one of the best parenting decisions we made! "

Debbie and Tzvi Gold
Senior Parents


     email: ravperry@juno.com
     voice: 561.417.7422
     web: http://www.yeshivahighschool.com

Administration:   Highlites Staff:  
Rabbi Kenneth Brander Founder   Mrs.Claudia Cohen Photos and Layout
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell Principal   Mrs.Amy Horowitz Correspondent
Shimmie Kaminetsky Executive Director   Mrs.Melissa Pereira Coordinator
Mrs.Ora Lee Kanner Assistant Principal   Rabbi Josh Spodek Graphics
Mrs.Jessica Schultz Assistant Principal   Rabbi Perry Tirschwell Editor
Mrs.Pamela Turk President  

Weinbaum Yeshiva High School · 7902 Montoya Circle · Boca Raton · FL · 33433

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